Neil Dyer shared the following via’s ‘submit‘ tab.
On one hand, activism is a necessary process one evolves into, and needed to offer up a possibility other than what has been indoctrinated to us from birth through the state education system, religion and social conditioning, to “wake up” those in society that are still comfortable in their ignorance. On the other hand, it is in a way resisting and opposing what already is, and in and of itself creating that which it opposes…..that which we resist persists. In coming to this awareness, it is possible evolve beyond the fighting, into realizing the spiritual battle within yourself, of being in conflict and creating polarity, creates the world we live in. The ones that control this reality wish to create opposition to this reality, are aware that all they need to do is create enough chaos to get us stuck in this loop of fight or flight, all based on fear. They feed on fear and opposition. Activism, with the intention of “waking up” the people to the real world, actually create the opposition necessary to lock it into existence. In coming to this awareness, it is necessary to look for another way of being, other than opposing or aligning and agreeing. Being esoteric in nature, and not logical, more spiritual in nature, there are many who will not attain this level of awareness even though it is necessary on the next step of human evolution, and a way of being that evolves humanity beyond the need to be governed and regulated by an outside force. Those not having this awareness will inevitably create that which they defeated all over again over and over, or create a perpetual war, which we have been doing for thousands of years. Now in this period of human evolution, we have the opportunity to take the road less traveled. To use this chaos to our advantage to come to a new place on our evolution, and instead of reacting in protection, and fight that which we oppose, evolve to a new energetic way of beingness, and start to create something different from a place of allowance of what is. Not alignment and agreement but allowance. Again, being esoteric in nature, and foreign to our indoctrination, to fight and oppose or align and agree, it will not make any sense and will be dismissed and poo pooed and mystical metaphysical psychobabble and bullshit, in defense of their position and its rightness and logical reaction to rid the world of its evil and injustice. For those possibly ready for a shift or recognition of the smallest possibility we could spend our energy creating instead of fighting, Welcome There is plenty out there on the internet for you to research and do your own due diligence. For a compilation of this philosophy, see my facebook page and take the red pill……….what else is possible?
Neil Dyer
Activism, Step One in Bringing Possibility, and Creating a New Reality is a post from Cop Block - Badges Don't Grant Extra Rights